Insta Staging
Learn How to Earn Even More on Real Estate!

What Insta Staging?
Hello, my name is Klaudia Leszczyńska and I’ll show you how to use my custom HS and real estate marketing strategy, which I call Insta Staging. You can earn more on your apartment and even faster!
Are you wondering how you can earn money on your property?
I was there too! Now I’m known for Instastaging, an e-book on Home Staging, and courses on real estate marketing, but this wasn’t always the case. A long time ago I had one studio apartment that my husband and I wanted to renovate, so that it would make good returns. That was not a common approach in the market at the time. Nobody invested in rental properties, because it was seen as not worth it; tenants would ruin the property or not pay rent. Know what I mean?
Forget what you know about real estate for a moment and take a fresh look at the subject. I will show you how to achieve the profitable Excel charts you want to see, and make sure that showing your property to throngs of undecided customers remains a thing of the past.
You’ll get to choose. And you’ll make great returns.
E-Book and Online Training
You don’t always have the time or opportunity to attend stationary courses, right? Thanks to my products, you’ll learn how to sell or rent a property quickly and at a high price, how to go about Home Staging yourself, how to show a property effectively, or how to properly settle bills while renting.
Insta Staging
You know you can do the Home Staging by yourself, but you don’t have the time for it? Writing ads, showing the property or, using story telling to help you achieve the best profits from a rental property is too much work? Relax, and let me take care of everything, deliver a perfectly staged property (and the profits in to your account!).
What’s Insta Staging?
This is my custom strategy that shows you an innovative approach to marketing (and not just in real estate!). It combines Home Staging Trends with Story Telling and sensory marketing; an Excel chart that will show your dream profits combined with the beauty of Instagram interiors, that will make your dreams become reality. This is an entirely new approach in the real estate market. I show you all of this, in regards to real estate, but you can implement my tips in other businesses and you’ll see how the unattainable turn into reality.
Some people joke that HS is just fluffing pillows. That skewed perception may be positive, because thanks to it, real estate investors can earn decidedly more.
A 1% difference in the sale price of a property is several thousand zlotys, and thanks to good HS, you can raise that price by several percent! That’s a good enough reason to get to know the subject better, right? 😉
Home Staging Trends 2021 | Three most important customer preferences
Home Staging Trends 2021What are the Home Staging trends for 2021? Is it too late to even write about it? I think not, because the changes that have taken place in our industry this year due to the pandemic will certainly stay with us for more than just a year, and it...
How To Use Trends In 2021 And Is It Always Worth It?
How To Use Trends And Is It Always Worth It?Do Home Staging trends make sense? Many people wonder about this because in our industry there is still a belief that Home Staging is based only on neutralizing the interior. However, what I would like to emphasize today is...
What is Home Staging? Interview with Barb Schwarz
What is Home Staging? Interview with Barb SchwarzI invite you for the first interview Barb Schwarz – the creator of Home Staging gave to the Polish audience. Especially for Polish Home Stagers! Barb talked about the history of Home Staging – how it all began. You will...
E-BOOK RECOMMENDED BY The Creator of Home Staging
Klaudia’s e-book is filled with relevant and practical information on how to prepare a property for rent. Whether you are just getting started or if you have already been doing this for a while, the e-book will help you through each step of the way, making sure you have all the tools at hand to perform a thorough, complete job and to maximise your results.
The guides and images, as well as the case studies, are very rich in content and are very useful for those wishing to learn or to improve their skills within staging and preparing a property for the market. I highly recommend getting your copy!
Klaudia, congratulations on your beautiful E-book. It is really to the point and reads well, is transparent and will definitely be a treasure trove of knowledge for someone who’d like to delve into HS. You can find a lot of useful information in it ?
Real Estate
I purchased the e-book on the first day of sale and devoured it in one afternoon. As a professional sub-letter, HS surrounds me every day. I learned how to easily change a flat at a low cost, from the book. Klaudia leads one, in a very simple and understandable way, through all the stages, from diagnosis of the apartment, through solutions related to various types of apartments, and how to finally set up the apartment and present it properly to tenants or buyers. There are also many tips on what mistakes to avoid, to help you achieve maximal profits. I recommend both beginners to the broadly understood subject of real estate and those who’ve been in the industry for longer, to systematize the knowledge they already have. Thank you Klaudia, for sharing your knowledge, gained through your experience with us, with great emapathy.
The HS E-book made a really good impression on me. You can see that you put a lot of work into it, but above all, that you have cross-sectional knowledge that is grounded in your experience. So it will definitely be valuable to your readers.
I am convinced that this is great material for both Investors – to whom the ebook is addressed, and for real estate agents, who take the initiative to increase the value of sold real estate. A huge positive thing in this publication, are the numerous examples, summaries and checklists that help one through each given step from A to Z. Great touch. Congratulations because I know it must have taken a lot of energy:)
Home Staging Blog
I recommend the ebook “Home Staging, How to effectively create that profitable Insta worthy interior“. written by Klaudia. A lot of specialized information, the interior design process is presented step by step, taking into account the smallest details, amazing photos and beautiful and consistent colors. Unique on the Polish market. A very matter-of-fact and valuable HS book, that I had the pleasure to read.
Mass media about us
Klaudia Leszczynska is a professional home stager and businesswoman from Poland. Now working alongside investors, helping to prepare properties to sell, she spoke to the HS Association UK & Ireland on how she began her staging journey, HS in Poland and any upcoming projects… Read full article
Learn More How to Do It
Home Staging
How to effectively create that profitable Insta worthy interior

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